Glad’s Design Your Kid’s Baon Promo challenges moms to create the most visually-enticing and healthy baon for their kids and share it to the world. You’re not required to show any Glad product in your entry, but you’ll get extra points if you do. Here’s a tip: colors stand out from a neutral background. Check out the link below for more details on the promo.
For desktop: http://on.fb.me/1vDDADL
Because all kids to get exciting and healthy baon for school, Glad Kitchen is launching Design Your Kid’s Baon Promo – a creative competition that’s sure to elevate food preparation into an art. Simply register in Facebook app by clicking the link below, upload a photo of your child with his or her artistic baon (made by mom, of course!). Answer the game question in the app and click “Submit Entry”. Great prizes are at stake, so start designing!