Just yesterday was held the Beto Perez exclusive media presscon. Beto Perez gave the media a demo of his zumba moves. The media people was so in with the moves and the beat that everybody enjoyed.
The Zumba Fitness business model includes an education program and the Zumba Instructor Network (ZIN™); an extensive Zumba apparel and accessories line; CDs, DVDs (more than 25 million copies) and video games (10 million sold); live Fitness-Concert™ events. Alongside the original Zumba® program, Zumba specialty classes include: Zumba® Step, a workout that blends Zumba’s movements with effective aerobic exercises on a Step for an intense lower body workout, Zumba® Toning, a body-sculpting program that features maraca-like Toning Sticks; Zumba Gold® for active older adults; Aqua Zumba®, the ultimate “pool party” workout; Zumba® Kids/ Zumba® Kids Jr. classes for kids aged 4-11; Zumba® in the Circuit created for “Curves” health clubs; and Zumba Sentao™, the chair-based class that strengthens, balances and stabilizes the core.
Beto stars in the “Zumba® Fitness Total Body Transformation”, “Exhilarate Body Shaping System” DVD sets, and “Zumba® Incredible Results DVD Collection”, and is also featured in Zumba® Fitness video games for Kinect for Xbox 360® and Xbox One, PlayStation® Move and Wii™. He teaches master classes around the world, trains instructors to teach Zumba classes and in his role as Zumba Fitness chief creative officer produces popular soundtracks that earn international acclaim. Beto has appeared on magazine covers, including Inc. Magazine and Men’s Fitness.
Beto Perez will host a 90 minute Zumba Fitness-Concert with his team of Zumba Celebrity Instructors, musicians and international DJs on May 10, 2015 at the Globe Circuit Events Ground. Registration will start at 2PM. VIP tickets are still available at SM Tickets.com. Fitness enthusiasts can look forward to an invigorating workout in the city that makes it happen.
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