Sarah Lahbati a proud Nido 3+ mommy joins the campaign for NIDO #CheckTheLabel. Sarah faces the same challenges as other mom’s face in choosing what is best for their children. Now that Sarah son Zion turned three she have to make decisions, research and check the labels that his son consumes.
Sarah Lahbati shares all about family life
During the interview with Sarah Lahbati she shares all about being a mom and family life. She mentioned that her mom and mother in law helped and supported her taking care of Baby Zion.
NIDO 3+ and Sarah Lahbati
In learning checking the label Sarah Lahbati was able to decide that NIDO 3+ is the right choice of milk for her son Zion. Sarah would take time to look at the ingredients that would affect baby Zion such as sugar, salt, saturated fat and sodium. Consuming so much of this ingredients could lead risk like obesity, diabetes, and heart related problems.
Why #CheckTheLabel?
Mother’s are responsible in doing research and making the right decisions for their child, especially when it comes to their health and welfare. One way that moms research about things is either seek advice from the expert, family and friends.
In checking the label you can identify the nutrients that your child consume or needed.
Why take NIDO 3+?
NIDO 3+ is specially formulated for that growing child that contains Lactobacillus Protectus that maintains the balance of good and bad bacteria in the tummy. Not only that NIDO 3+ contains Prebio 3, DHA, ALA, LA and Taurine to support proper brain structure. It also have high levels of vitamins A, D, Calcium and Zinc to support overall growth of your child.
For more information, visit www.lakingamazing.ph
Sarah Lahbati video interview to follow – will update for the link here
#CheckTheLabel #CheckMoMuna #NIDOPH #NIDO3 #SarahLahbati + #PilipinasDaily #TechnoRush #SingleMomSuperMom #PilipinasDailyPH @SarahLahbati @PilipinasDaily @SingleMomSuperMom @TechnoRush