Sam YG and Rhian Ramos on their second season of Full Throttle. It’s more than just a motoring program— it will set its viewers in motion and on exciting adventures! They Surf, boat, drive, or fly your way across the archipelago just to bring us one entertaining show. Exclusively on Fox Sports this September 08 at 9:30PM.
Sam YG and Rhian Ramos are both popular celebrities and hosts, but they also have the advantage of being rabid motorheads and loving all things that have to do with cars. Sam YG enjoys a huge fanbase for his part in Boy’s Night Out, one of the most popular radio shows in the country, while Rhian Ramos has gained widespread fame by starring in highly successful television dramas and films. Their passion for and experience with cars make them the perfect combo to present the most exciting automotive content, while their fiercely competitive natures make for an electrifying dynamic that will keep viewers glued to the screen. Add this to the pair’s massive respective followings, and you get a show that speaks directly to the automotive purists while keeping things on edge and highly entertaining.
To stay updated in the automotive world and discover its fascinating features, all gearheads, car lovers and thrill seekers should catch Full Throttle starting this September on the FOX Sports!
@samYG @whianwamos #fullthrottleonfoxsports #RhianRamos #SamYG #SuperSAHIAN # fullthrottle #DontGetLeftBehind #PilipinasDaily #TechnoRush #SingleMomSuperMom #PilipinasDailyPH @PilipinasDaily