METRO333: Igniting the minds of Young Designers and Creatives

TAGUIG, PHILIPPINES“People who love arts are cuh-razy!” a lot of people may say. But didn’t a famous line by Mexican poet and academic, Cesar Cruz, says “Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable“?

The arts have always been deemed to be called no-money-job or sometimes a gamble as how it is always overlooked that arts is just purely making a mess. But little do they know that the arts make up to 90% of what we use and enjoy today.

The stories from films and movies you love? That’s art! The favorite dress you love? That’s art!

In SoFA Design Institute their mission states “To deliver a rigorous, design-focused educational experience that promotes creativity, technical proficiency, and business acumen.

And through the exhibit called METRO333, they feature their senior high school students’ creative journey in many different media – taking the audience in an immersive retro-futuristic atmosphere which sports a “maximalist utopian metro atmosphere.” 

When I walked into the exhibit, I felt like it was home as I am an arts school graduate. It’s so fun to see a piece of someone else’s mind being crafted in so many different media.

I love how much these students are able to express themselves and enhance their skills through the help and development of SoFA.

“This event is a catalyst that connects young artists and designers with industry professionals, inspiring them to reach new heights of innovation and self-discovery,”

Amina Aranáz-Alunan, Co-Founder and President of SoFA Design Institute

When given the opportunity and the support, the effects on it on a student ignites countless possibilities. That’s what I love about SoFA and this exhibit they held.

It’s something that allowed their students to further discover themselves especially in their coming-of-age years wherein they enter the most crucial part of their lives. Their outlet must be something that they love doing – that they would put their heart into and passionate about.

 “This is an avenue for our students to learn to navigate different perspectives and challenges, strengthening their resilience and adaptability,”

Angelique Castro, SoFA’s SHS Principal

Every student were able to stand out in their own ways while telling the story of their past, present, and future. These works are something to be in awe of – each and every one of them.

I just love how SoFA wanted to help every student to get out of their shell and make a difference through the works they could do. It’s something you can’t always find in a school.

The creative mind must not be silenced – that is something that METRO333 has successfully portrayed and displayed from the students and every one behind it.

I applaud SoFA Design Institute for giving young creatives a platform to fully express themselves with confidence, determination, and self-growth without the fear of being judged.

I would love to talk more about their works individually – you may find an article about them shortly after this article is posted!


About Danielle Bayani 22 Articles
Writing since the age of 2 and have been fascinated with it ever since. Grateful for the undying support from my parents. I write because it’s a God-given gift to me; for everything, to God be the glory.