Sorry for late uploading just want to share my insights about this matter and surely this incident still happening.
I was going thru my files and saw I have this footage of MAPSA enforcers not wearing seatbelts in Makati area. This was taken last year August 18, 2015 around 2:20pm onwards.
Actually I saw numerous MAPSA pass by this area not wearing any seatbelts its just not able to take pictures and videos. I guess I saw about 6 MAPSA vehicles both driver and front passenger not wearing seatbelts in a span of only 2 hours at my location.
This is my question why would the citizens would follow such enforcers when themselves are law-breaker. A simple wearing of seatbelt they can’t even enforce to themselves. I am not saying all MAPSA enforces are like this but seeing them like this and their windows rolled down everyone can see them.
They should had set a good example to the public not like this. I have high respect to good enforcers but seeing such people like this made me rethink are these people the right for such position?
Is it because they are officers they are entitled to not follow the law? Do you encountered seeing enforcers not in particular not wearing seatbelts? What can you say about this one? I know this not only limited MAPSA only but also to other government agencies.